Shipping Cost

Shipping Cost

The shipping cost can be previewed on At address page during the checkout process, after editing shipping / billing address, by clicking on the "Shipping Method",shipping cost can be automatically calculated. Please note that the shipping cost may be affected by destination, package weight and the shipping method you choose.


For the non-free shipping items or an urgent order

In these two conditions, you should pay for the extra shipping fees. However, the costs may differ according to the following factors:

  • Weight and dimensions of package
  • The location we are shipping from (city, state, country or region)
  • The location the package is shipped to (also called the destination country or region)


Customs & Import Tax

  • Customs & Import Tax
  • 1 If the items are detained by customs, who is responsible for clearance of the items?
  • 2 If a very large order is delivered from China to my country, will customs seize my order?
  • 3 If custom duties are incurred, who is responsible?

Countries We can Ship to

  • What countries or regions do you ship to